Polyphenols are natural plant colors that protect botanicals from the sun’s rays and from pathogens like fungi, bacteria and roundworms. Polyphenols are a large class of phenolic organic compounds that can be grouped into tannins, lignins, phenolic acidand flavonoids. One of the most well-knowngroups is oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs.
Often, but not always, these protective colorants are found in the skin, rind or bark of various botanicals. Studies looking at polyphenolic compounds or extracts, that are either consumed as part of the diet or consumed via nutritional supplementation, have shown that a number of health benefits may be conferred to humans by these colorful natural chemicals, part of which comes from their antioxidant defenses.
Polyphenol bulk powder has become a sought-after wholesale ingredient by formulators of dietary supplements and functional foods and beverages, with many applications recently seen in products for athletes and fitness-minded consumers who are looking for products that are believed to support muscle recovery.
Our bulk polyphenol powder is a standardized product that is extracted from 100% organic lychee.
Health Benefits of Polyphenol Bulk Powder
Potential supplement and functional applications include products for such areas as:
2975 Westchester Ave
Purchase, NY 10577
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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